Maps, Route planner
Maps, Route planner

Quickly estimate shipping costs. Calculate easy distance from the point of taking goods to the destination.

Currency converter
Currency converter

Compare offers in your own currency.


Useful and handy tool for any kind of calculations: transportation; conversion; taxes, etc.

Incoterms Rules
Incoterms Rules

Everything you need to know about international commerce and specific terms associated with it : EXW, CIF, DDU and so on.

News & Events
News & Events

Market researches. Articles, news and press releases. Keep up to date with the latest news from the wood industry all over the world !

UM Converter
UM Converter

Quickly convert from one unit to another to ensure that goods meet your needs

Phone prefixes
Phone prefixes

Quickly determine the format of your potential partner's phone number or area code


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Advanced Search
Advanced Search

Advanced search. Find best informations that you need

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