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Paulownia Europa mature forest. We cut and deliver for our clients. High quality wood
Paulownia Europa-Logs and Timber Supplies ! We may have other sizes “TELL US WHAT YOU WANT AND WE WILL TRY TO HELP YOU These paulownia logs for sale have an average diameter of 30-40 ..
Paulownia Europa delivery paulownia logs & timbe
Paulownia Europa*** Logs or timber for sale. These paulownia logs for sale have an average diameter of 30-40 cm and a minimum length of 2,5 meters. Minimun order: 1 full truck - Send us your data for the proforma invoice -..
id: 5152

Price info Best offer EURO
We have available SPRUCE logs from Romania. Contact us with you
equest and specification in order to get good price.
We extract and process bog oak logs from polish rivers. Very good quality. Big quantity available. Certificate of Age